This is a shot of the Fred Hartman Bridge taken from Evergreen Road on the Baytown, Texas side of the bridge. This was the first shot I took with my Olympus E-3 camera. I took it without much planning or thought - just wanting to take some test pictures to get acquainted with the controls on my new [then] camera. I like the way the shot came out, it just proves that "it's better to be lucky than good!"
I like the quality of light and the soft focus.
I think it might be improved with a pano crop - removing some of the dark and heavy foreground?
Well done!
I like the overall image, but, as usual, I would probably crop it a little differently. I would crop a little from the left and just inside the pilling on the right. I think you would end-up with a near square image. A lot of the stuff on the far left and right are just not very interesting.
Man, crop-whipped again! I feel like I'm back at Honors Night! :)
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