I had this shot of a drive-thru menu from a Dairy Queen on file and decided to work it up as an abstract. Out of the ten layers I used in Photoshop the two that probably had the most impact were an "invert" layer to reverse the colors, and a texture layer [using rusted metal and blending modes] to add the grunge effect. The big question here is: Is capturing an image of a menu at Dairy Queen a sign of some photographic sickness?
Larry, that is exceptional work! Did you use a texture? I cannot find fault. I like the colors and the composition. Great job!! Aren't we all just a little sick when it comes to our craft??
Larry, this image is my kind of diagonal picture, diagonals everwhere. I commend you on your effort. The picture is outside of the ordinary.
No you are not sick, you are merely using your environment for inspiration and creativity! Besides, some day that image may be important as a historical reference...or perhaps it is a sign of OCD setting in. Welcome to the club of Obsessive Camera Disease. :) I really like the colors and the textures you have used, you have created a very interesting abstract.
Good catch seeing this one and then doing what you did with it. I really like how you tilted your camera and made the lines run diagonal--that adds a lot of interest. Good color combination.
To me this photo has a retro-futuristic / post apocalyptic feel. I love it!!! Very well done! ;)
Thanks for all the nice comments. It's nice to know you liked the shot as much as I did.
Very good!
Soon you will be ready to try a shot of a Ruth's Cris Steakhouse menu! :-)
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