This is the shot that I
ended up submitting as my "A" shot for last nights
BAPC Honors Night Assignment "Less is More." My shorebird
silhouette post of a few days ago was my "B" shot and rounded out my entries for the night. I had fairly high hopes for both but at the end of the day this one earned a Bronze mark from the 3 judge panel and the other shot was a "no award". I remain steadfastly committed to my quest for Gold! I am convinced the "secret" for me is not so much the technical aspect of turning in a well composed and executed shot but is more of a search for the elusive "wow-factor."
Last night was a strange judging night to me...I thought this one was a winner for sure! Especially after talking to one of the judges during the break but also after listening to the critique of this image. I like it! I think everything comes together very well here and I don't know how you could get much "less" than this and still have anything show up at all. I bought some Cokin ND filters and tried this approach also but was not happy with the results...I wanted fog. I struggled with this assignment and after last night I still am not sure what is Minimalism and what is not. I am glad to know you are not giving up :).
I agree with Cindi as I also thought this was a winner. I rate everything from 1-10 in my mind on what "I" think. Very nice capture and Good Job!
Outstanding. A simple shot that makes you want to look deeper and deeper into the image.
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