Another shot of the Osprey we spotted at the Baytown Nature Center this past weekend. This one was processed using Topaz's new "Black and White Effects".
a My wife spotted this grasshopper in the yard this evening so I took the opportunity to photograph it - duh! The background was a little plain so I added in a blurry moon taken yesterday morning.
This young man was joining in on the current fad of building rock sculptures out of the riprap along the seawall when I snapped this shot on Saturday evening.
I pulled this older shot out of the archives and added a light texture to the background and converted it to B&W with Topaz's new Black & White Effects.
I took a few photos this weekend on a trip to Adkins Architectural Antiques this weekend including this shot of their attic area. I it's a two shot HDR processed in Photomatix and converted to B&W in Topaz's new B&W Effects plug in.
I work in the industrial distribution sector as a salesman for a master distributor of valves and fittings in Houston, TX. I am a member of the Bay Area Photo Club which meets at the Art Alliance Center at Clear Lake in Clear Lake Texas on Tuesday nights. I shoot with an Olympus E-3 and my favorite lens in my Zuiko 12-60.