We decided to head back to the local Bluebonnet patch, pictured on this blog a few days ago, for an informal family portrait session. I had the idea of using the unconventional POV from the start and I am happy with how the composition came out. Your thoughts would be appreciated.
Tech: Oly E-3, 12-60 Zuiko @ 14MM, f6.3, 1/100, ISO 125 & +1EV, Flashpoint Tripod, Aperture Priority, Raw
Post Processing: Clarity, Saturation, and Exposure in Camera Raw>Open in CS3>Duplicate Background>High Pass Sharpening>Merge Visible>Levels Adjustment Layer>Merge Visible in “Soft Light” Mode>Created Frame Vignette by Copying Outer Edge and Pasting to New Layer in “Overlay” Mode